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Damien is the founder and manager of our company. In addition to his management duties, he is responsible for the research and development of our products, ensuring continuous improvement. As a beekeeper, he is our reference in beekeeping and knows the needs of the community, so he can meet our customers' expectations

Melanie BUISSON, Product Manager
Melanie is responsible for managing the production of APISOLIS. She also oversees the After-Sales Department. Finally, she assumes the administrative functions of the company (particularly regarding human relations).

Eve TISSOT, Marketing
Clarisse est chargée de développer et d'exécuter des stratégies marketing visant à accroître la notoriété de la marque et à promouvoir les produits innovants d'Apisolis auprès des apiculteurs. Elle veille à ce que les messages de la marque soient alignés sur les besoins des clients et les tendances du marché.

Océane GAUTIER, Communication
Clarisse oversees communication. She feeds our social networks, designs communication brochures, writes our press kits and redirects members of the Apisolis community to team members according to their needs.
It's all about perception
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